Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day 10: Connections

The hardest part of this experience has been saying no to free food. I realize how much friendship connections matter for anybody trying to make it in this world. Unfortunately it typically seems to be the case that most people have friends who generally make about the same amount of money. So if you are poor, your friends will be there for you, but don't expect any miracles.

Maybe that's what makes the church a miraculous body of people. Rich, poor and middle class all together in one place, getting to know one another and being willing to share and care for the needs of each other. Reflecting on yesterday's post, I could say that it is a place for disconnected rich to find real connections and community. A place for the poor to find support. And a place for the middle class to escape the plastic world of suburbia. By place I mean both a church building or gathering place, and a spot within a social group. It is a refuge.

Over the past 10 days I had many people offer to be a refuge for me, and after awhile I stopped turning all of them down. It wasn't really a lack of self-control as much as I believe it is more blessed to give than to recieve, and I want to allow others to give. That's what connections are; a place between two people where both are given the opportunity to look after the others well-being. Friendships are packed full of self-emptying potential. The most important thing is caring for others and hopefully being cared for as well. We just can't do this on our own. Thank God.

1 comment:

The Transformation Project said...

Well done.
I love what you just said there about Community.
I feel that is the essance of what Jesus's message was. We are the same. We are brothers. We support eachother like a functioning disfunctional family should. We are all Children of God. It's what our Father would want. Beautiful...
How do we do this?
How do we live it out?
How do we cause this to be a part "church"
I want to talk with you more about this. Soon.